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Why Cornel West Loves Jane Austen.

The Huffington Post, “Books” category, “The Blog,” November 12, 2014.

Betray Our Students for Publisher’s Profit?

The Chronicle of Higher Education, “The Conversation” blog, 2014.

To Sew or Not to Sew: What’s a Woman to Do?

Atenea XXVIII.2 (2008): 171-74. 

The Reunion.

Commonweal: A Review of Religion, Politics & Culture 14 Sept. 2007: 38.


Welcome to Womanhood: The Sweetest 16 Party. Multicultural coming-of-age celebration. 

Teen Magazine, Fall 2006: 84.

"Writing Aloud": A Simple, Powerful Tool.

Florida College English Association: News for English Professionals, Fall, 1998.


… she ventured to recommend a larger allowance of prose in his daily study.


—Anne Elliot’s advice to Captain Benwick

in Persuasion

Scholarly articles

Scholarly Articles

"Every day was adding to the verdure of the early trees": Women, Trees, and the Relationship Between Self and Other in Jane Austen’s Novels.

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 25.1 (2018): 80-94.

(special access needed)


The "Ordination of Fanny Price": Female Monasticism and Vocation in Mansfield Park. 

Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 35.1 (2014): n. pag. 

Lounging Ladies and Galloping Girls: Physical Strength and Femininity in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.

Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 38.3 (2009): 342-358. 

(special access needed)


The "loveliest and lordliest": Gender in Charles Williams’ Spiritual Bildungsroman.

Renascence 60.4 (2008): 309-323. 

(special access needed)


Palm Beach: Utopia or Dystopia?

Florida Studies: Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Florida College English Association.  Ed. Claudia Slate and Keith Honeycutt.  Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 


The Offending Pig: Determinism in the Focus Features "Pride and Prejudice."

Special Issue of Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 27.2 (Summer 2007): n. pag. 


Jane’s Wonder Women: Female Heroism the Austenian Way.

Sensibilities: The Journal of the Jane Austen Society of Australia 33 (December 2006): 20-34. 

… you are a young lady of deep reflection, I know, and read great books
and make extracts.

Mr. Bennet to his daughter Mary in Pride and Prejudice

The Jane Austen Diet: The Weight of Women in Austen’s Letters.

Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 27 (2005): 75-87. 

(excerpt; special access needed)

"I Make the Whole World Answer to My Art": Alice Meynell’s Poetic Identity.

Victorian Poetry 40.2 (2003): 259-275.

(excerpt; special access needed)

Fathers and Lovers: the Gender Dynamics of Relational Influence in Emma. 

Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 21.2 (2000): n. pag.


Fanny Burney’s The Wanderer: Actress as Virtuous Deceiver.

European Romantic Review 10.4 (1999): 424-451. 

(special access needed)


Writing for Deaf Ears: Harriet Martineau and the Case of Victorian Women Essayists.

Rhetorical Designs for Professional and Technical Writing: A Teacher’s Guide.  Ed. William E. Tanner.  Dallas: Caxton’s, 1994.  67-75. 


Shaping Self Through Spontaneous Oral Narration in Richard Adams’ Watership Down.

The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts: Special Issue: Watership Down (1994): 25-33. 

(special access needed)

Scholarly co-authored

Scholarly Articles Co-authored with Students

"We sick": The Deweys as Women’s Willful Self-destruction in Toni Morrison’s Sula.

Co-authored with Gayle Fallon. 

Journal of Feminist Scholarship (Fall 2018 issue, free download). 


"no net ensnares me": Bird Imagery and the Dynamics of Dominance and Submission in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.

Co-authored with Heather Lawrence. 

Brontë Studies 40.3 (2015): 240-251. 

(abstract; special access needed)

Ecofeminism in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market.

Co-authored with Hannah Thullbery. 

Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature 126 (2014): 63-87. 

(excerpt; special access needed)


"It was not your words; it was the truth they conveyed": Confrontation and Social Change in Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South.

Co-authored with Kelsey Satalino. 

The Gaskell Journal 27 (2013): 108-125. 

(excerpt; special access needed)

… he recommended the books which charmed
her leisure hours, he encouraged her taste … he made reading useful by talking to her of what she read, and heightened its attraction by judicious praise.

—Edmund Bertram mentors Fanny Price in Mansfield Park

“. . . let him succeed at last, Fanny”: Edmund Bertram as Henry Crawford’s Double in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.

 Co-authored with Christina Ibañez Unkel. 

Sensibilities: The Journal of the Jane Austen Society of Australia 46 (2013): 53-68.


The Precarious Effects of Secrecy in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.

Co-authored with Renee Long. 

Sensibilities: The Journal of the Jane Austen Society of Australia 38 (2009): 51-60. 


Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Palmer: The Path to Female Self-Determination in Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.

Co-authored with Jordan Kidd. 

Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 30 (2008): 135-148.


Walking a Path toward Marriage in Persuasion.

Co-authored with Tiffany VonderBecke. 

Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 28.1 (Winter 2007): n. pag.

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